PRP Vacutainer

Short Description:

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses the best rich plasma your blood has to offer because it heals injuries faster, encourages growth factors, and also increases levels of collagen and stem cells—these are naturally produced in the body to keep you looking young and fresh. In this case, those growth factors are used to help regrow thinning hair. 

PRP Injections for Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

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Studies on platelet-rich plasma and the use of PRP injections to remedy hair loss is relatively new to the world of dermatology. While clinical studies have been carried out for several years and have suggested that PRP therapy is effective with different growth factors, many dermatologists have only recently begun to try it in their practices. Because of this, not much is known about the PRP treatment unless you do some deep research into the topic.

Luckily for you, we have the answers you would have otherwise had to search for. We will go over a few frequently asked questions in order to help you make an informed decision before pursuing with PRP injections. This article will cover the following:

What PRP therapy is/how it is done/how it works

Who benefits from the procedure?

The recovery period post-treatment

What you can and can’t do before PRP injections of platelets

What you can and can’t do after the injections

How the Procedure Is Done
PRP injections are done in three steps:

1.To carry out the therapy, your own blood is drawn, likely from your arm.
2.That blood is then placed into a centrifuge to spin down into three layers: plasma rich in platelets, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. The PRP will be used, and the rest will be tossed.
3.That PRP or “blood injection” is then injected into your scalp with a syringe after a local anesthetic has been applied.

Dos and Don’ts for PRP Injections
There are certain actions that you should take before and after the procedure is carried out. The same is true for things that you shouldn’t do if you want to see results and minimize the chances of experiencing negative side effects.

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