
  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Plain Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Plain Tube

    The inner wall is  coated with preventive agent, which is mainly used for biochemistry.

    The other is that the inner wall of the blood collection vessel is coated with the agent to prevent wall hanging, and the coagulant is added at the same time. The coagulant is indicated on the label. The function of coagulant is to accelerate.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Gel Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Gel Tube

    Separating glue is added in the blood collection vessel. After the specimen is centrifuged, the separating glue can completely separate the serum and blood cells in the blood, then keep it for a long time. It is suitable for emergency serum biochemical detection.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Clot Activator Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Clot Activator Tube

    Coagulant is added to the blood collection vessel, which can activate fibrin protease and promote soluble fibrin to form a stable fibrin clot. The collected blood can be centrifuged quickly. It is generally suitable for some emergency experiments in hospitals.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube —Sodium Citrate Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube —Sodium Citrate Tube

    The tube contains 3.2% or 3.8% additive, which is mainly used for fibrinolysis system (activation part of the time). When taking blood, pay attention to the amount of blood to ensure the accuracy of the test results.  Reverse it 5-8 times immediately after blood collection.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Blood Glucose Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Blood Glucose Tube

    Sodium fluoride is a weak anticoagulant, which has a good effect of preventing blood glucose degradation. It is an excellent preservative for blood glucose detection. When using, pay attention to slowly reverse and mix evenly. It is generally used for blood glucose detection, not for urea determination by Urease method, nor for alkaline phosphatase and amylase detection.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Heparin Sodium Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — Heparin Sodium Tube

    Heparin was added to the blood collection vessel. Heparin has the function of antithrombin directly, which can prolong the coagulation time of samples. It is suitable for erythrocyte fragility test, blood gas analysis, hematocrit test, ESR and universal biochemical determination, but not for hemagglutination test. Excessive heparin can cause leukocyte aggregation and cannot be used for leukocyte counting. Because it can make the background light blue after blood staining, it is not suitable for leukocyte classification.

  • Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — EDTA Tube

    Vacuum Blood Collection Tube — EDTA Tube

    Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, molecular weight 292) and its salt are a kind of amino polycarboxylic acid, which can effectively chelate calcium ions in blood samples, chelate calcium or remove the calcium reaction site, which will block and terminate the endogenous or exogenous coagulation process, so as to prevent blood samples from coagulation. It is applicable to general hematology test, not to coagulation test and platelet function test, nor to the determination of calcium ion, potassium ion, sodium ion, iron ion, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase and leucine aminopeptidase and PCR test.

  • Vacuum Sterilized Needle Holder

    Vacuum Sterilized Needle Holder

    From the advent of female oral contraceptive in 1950s to the birth of test tube baby in 1970s and the successful cloning of Dolly sheep in the late 1990s, reproductive medicine technology has made a major breakthrough Human assisted reproductive technology (Art) is mainly a special technology to help those patients who are still unable to conceive after regular treatment to artificially combine eggs and sperm under laboratory conditions to achieve pregnancy.

  • Urine Collector with CE Approved OEM/ODM

    Urine Collector with CE Approved OEM/ODM

    The present invention relates to a urine collector patch to collect samples or urine, particularly from patients who are unable to provide free flowing samples. The device may incorporate test reagents such that the test is carried out in situ. The reagents may be separated from the urine to enable timed tests to be performed. The invention also provides a urine based test for lactose as an indicator of impaired gut integrity.

  • IVF Ovum Picking Dish with CE Approved OEM/ODM

    IVF Ovum Picking Dish with CE Approved OEM/ODM

    Stimulate ovum growth: If you plan to complete the whole IVF or IVF process, you will need to know something about the process and other important details about its steps, such as stimulating ovum growth.

  • IVF Micro-Operating Dish with OEM/ODM

    IVF Micro-Operating Dish with OEM/ODM

    Having a child is one of the most precious gifts a person can have. These little angels bring smiles and joy to the whole family; However, some people will encounter difficulties during pregnancy, so they will find different ways to bring this happiness into their lives.

  • IVF Embryo Culturing Dish With OEM/ODM

    IVF Embryo Culturing Dish With OEM/ODM

    It is applicable to epidemic prevention stations, hospitals, biological products, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and other units for bacterial isolation and culture, antibiotic titer test and qualitative test and analysis. In agricultural, aquatic and other scientific research, it is used for artificial culture and incubation of seeds, teeth, plants, insects and fish species. Used as utensils in electronic industry or other industries.