Blood Collection PRP Tube

Short Description:

PRP contains special cells called Platelets, that cause the growth of the hair follicles by stimulating the stem cells and other cells.

Epidural/spinal injections of PRP

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Chronic back pain is one of the most common complaints in adults.  The reasons behind it are numerous, ranging from simple muscle spasms to complex disc changes. The treatment of back pain is usually in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs and muscle relaxants. Some complex pathologies, however, are not cured easily and require more potent drugs such as steroids for symptomatic relief. Studies show that steroidal epidural injection is the mostcommo n mode of treatment for back pain. The efficacy of steroidal spinal injections for symptomatic pain relief is well proven, but they do not affect the functional ability or decrease the surgery rate. Instead, the long-term therapeutic use of high-dose steroids may produce potential adverse effects. The steroids disrupt the endocrine, musculoskeletal, metabolic, cardiovascular, dermatologic, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Studies have shown that frequent application of steroidal injections increases the risk of fractures and contributes to significant bone loss, amplifying the destruction and thus, ultimately, increasing the pain. The steroids also alter the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis, which eventually disturbs the normal physiology of the body.

Considering the negative health effects of the prolonged steroid use, it is important to have an alternative non-surgical option with a better safety profile. The role of regenerative medicine in this regard is remarkable. Regenerative medicine focuses on replacing, regenerating, and mitigating tissue catabolism. PRP, a form of regenerative therapy, is proven to be highly effective for the non-surgical management of chronic back pain. PRP is already quite popular in orthopedics for curing tendinopathies, osteoarthritis, and sports injuries. The promising results of PRP have also been obtained in the treatment of peripheral neuropathies and, even, nerve regeneration in some cases. The successful management of these has encouraged the researchers to use it in the treatment of radiculopathies, spinal facet syndrome, and intervertebral disc pathologies.

The PRP is gaining popularity because of its ability to restore the functioning of the diseased tissue. While the steroids act as a pain reliever, the PRP simultaneously heals the damaged tissue, alleviates the pain, and regenerates and modifies the cells allowing for better functioning. Considering its anti-inflammatory, reparatory, and healing effects, PRP can serve as a substitute to conventional epidural/spinal steroidal injections.

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